目前分類:五金 (3)

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In the past, I have used the spade. If It is made of aluminum. After aboout two years,

It is rust orbroken.
this type of spade is not durable. That is why I design the new spade.the color is golden.
the meaning is: attracting more wealth in the future.Now the spade's material is stainness steel.
And gray-black sleeve is attach on handlpart.It is made of rubber. the rubber is more soft than the other material.
It is ease to hold.
I hope everyone could offer comment for my new 3d work kindly? Merry Christmas for everyone!


在過去, 我使用鋁製小鏟子不耐用大約使1~2年容易生銹斷裂
所以本人設計鏟子材質採用不銹鋼或其他合金鋼, 在手柄地方加裝橡膠保護套
有五個凹槽在表面 容易很舒服握住, 表面金黃色有招材作用
歡迎網友多多批評與提供意見 !


henry 發表在 痞客邦 留言(60) 人氣()





In the past, I have used the spade. If It is made of aluminum. After aboout two years,

It is rust orbroken.
this type of spade is not durable. That is why I design the new spade.the color is golden.
the meaning is: attracting more wealth in the future.Now the spade's material is stainness steel.
And gray-black sleeve is attach on handlpart.It is made of rubber. the rubber is more soft than the other material.
It is ease to hold.
I hope everyone could offer comment for my new 3d work kindly? Merry Christmas for everyone!


在過去, 我使用鋁製小鏟子不耐用大約使1~2年容易生銹斷裂
所以本人設計鏟子材質採用不銹鋼或其他合金鋼, 在手柄地方加裝橡膠保護套
有五個凹槽在表面 容易很舒服握住, 表面金黃色有招材作用
歡迎網友多多批評與提供意見 !





henry 發表在 痞客邦 留言(20) 人氣()





In the past, I have used the spade. If It is made of aluminum. After aboout two years,

It is rust or broken.

this type of spade is not durable. That is why I design the new spade.the color is golden.
the meaning is: attracting more wealth in the future.Now the spade's material is stainness steel.
And gray-black sleeve is attach on handlpart.It is made of rubber. the rubber is more soft than the other material.
It is ease to hold.
I hope everyone could offer comment for my new 3d work kindly? Merry Christmas for everyone!


在過去, 我使用鋁製小鏟子不耐用大約使1~2年容易生銹斷裂
所以本人設計鏟子材質採用不銹鋼或其他合金鋼, 在手柄地方加裝橡膠保護套
有五個凹槽在表面 容易很舒服握住, 表面金黃色有招材作用
歡迎網友多多批評與提供意見 !


背景音樂(music):農村曲(Taiwan folk song).



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