大家好! 大約三個月沒有發表新作品! 這個作品表面有螺旋線 我稱呼這個作品為螺旋茶壺!
背景是蓮花 音樂是水晶音樂!是否與螺旋茶壺是一個好搭配? 歡迎各位多多批評與提供意見!
How are you everyone! I have not posed the new 3d work for three month!
There are so many pink screw line on this 3d work's surface. I call this 3d work as
"screw teapot" ! there are so many lotus in background. And I insert the crystal music
with this 3d work. Are the background and crytal music a perfect match for this 3d work?
Could you offer the comment for this 3d work kindly? thank you!