香爐周圍有蓮花 蓮花在佛教是代表純潔 無污染 智慧! 兩隻青龍朝天空飛去 代表事業 財富能
蒸蒸日上! 也希望各位網友欣賞這個作品後 智慧大開 財源廣進 !
The lotus on the stove's surface, In buddist opinion, It stand for purity,no
pullted, wisdom, And two blue dragon fly to the sky, the meaning : getting more wealth in
the future! I hope everyone get more wisdom, wealth in the future! after browseing
this 3d work!
How to use the stove,at first burnning the incense, taking the inecense, faceing the
buddha, god, ancestor in order to wordship them, after that inserting the incense inside
the stove !